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stretch and challenge ofsted

View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. Teacher of English - Worle Community School - GOV.UK The concept of "stretch and challenge" can be incorporated into all elements of teaching work including planning lessons, setting objectives, developing resources and working . They give employers validation that their, During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English and, , but against all the KSBs in the standard. There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully.The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. Hold your stretch. In reality, rather than being about preparing different activities, differentiation is a subtle skill that is not easily spotted in action. Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence.Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary. 30 Day Stretching Challenge for Beginners - Journey to Mobility Thank you! Or to see OneFile in action,book a demowith a OneFile expert. We had an excellent team and all of us contributed to our end result, which was of course encouraging in the face of looming GCSEs. Sue Cowley is an author, presenter and teacher educator. Apprentices will have access to the samequality oflearning, butwont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. Stretch & Challenge! This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . You can read the details below. PPTX 10 ideas for 'Stretch & Challenge' in RE - Learn, Teach, Lead RE If possible one should stretch daily, focusing on the lower . critical thinking One simple strategy is to ask the class to write down the things they already know about a topic, before you begin to study it, and any questions that they want answered during your studies. This includes 'Deepen' tips for the guided and independent practice sections, which will help you provide extra stretch and challenge within your lesson, without having to organise additional tasks. Beautiful and easy to use newsletters. Ofstedwants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! In time, our members have also used attitudinal challenges. Even though using a learning experience such as oracy doesn't always end up with written evidence in a book, progress can be documented with the right assessment approaches. They are likely to be autodidacts reading widely around a favoured subject at home to find out more. stretch and challenge ofsted. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can evaluate their learning and rate their understanding as they progress giving you the insight you need to set stretch and challenge tasks. The secret to doing this well is to think about it in three areas of teaching practice: Attitudes: The belief and mindsets teachers need to have themselves and inculcate in their students. In this article, we will provide some practical ideas for a stretch & challenge programme in your school. Stretch and challenge can be described as an agenda or philosophy as opposed to an outright teaching strategy. If you would like to talk anything through, please do get in touch for an informal conversation. Building on this, parents and carers need to be kept well-informed about their child's progress and have a good understanding about how they support their child's learning at home. Stretch and Challenge Training, INSET and CPD | Mike Gershon pass, merit, distinction. When we hear the word challenge we need to remember that this shouldnt be reserved for the brightest students but rather teachers should be creating a climate where all students are rapidly making progress, moving beyond their own comfort zones, aiming higher and developing resilience in the process. This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the RE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. What you will do: Enthuse, stretch and challenge our students at WCSA to make a significant difference to achievement in English. This might typically be about digging into an area more deeply, going laterally with a concept, or asking students to use more complex terminology to describe abstract ideas. For example, if we take the Roman topic, can a pupil: 1) Identify what the Romans have done for us? Adopting a challenge model in your school will require an in-depth understanding of the pupils. In order for this to happen, set up a series of structured questions that require students to think hard and ensure students have enough time to grapple with the difficult concepts. . Ofsted strategy 2022-27 - GOV.UK Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children's social care. I was awarded two extensions and last week was informed I was. Key Stage 4 team take on Physics Challenge - Latest News - Colyton The more strips there are, the greater the challenge. Pygmalion in the Classroom (Pygmalion in the Classroom Rosenthal, R.; Jacobson, L. (1968) Stretch and challenge | joannemilesconsulting Book your free demonstration today. Diversity & Inclusion Autumn term events | Pearson UK If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. The stretch and challenge classroom is about creating an ethos of ambition, aspiration and passion for learning NOT creating lots of resources and simply giving students more work. We sometimes forget that learning is hard work, particularly the thinking part. Professor John Hattie, alongside Gregory Yates, in Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, explore the difference between teachers as activators as opposed to teachers as facilitators.Teachers as activators results in a much higher effect size; some of the key actions they take are setting up tasks with the goal of mastery learning and teaching students metacognitive strategies.If students are going to work independently, then they need to have a clear goal in mind where the steps to success help students to judge how well they are working towards their goal. UX Research Programme This chapter introduces and discusses individual learning plans (ILPs) and their use, particularly regarding the setting of learner targets. Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion.One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. The chapter first defines and introduces differentiation as a classroom concept which has relevance for educationalists at all levels in providing meaningful and productive engagement with new knowledge and skills for learners. Use Title Questions. Having given this some thought I am of the view that this is an oversimplification. We've updated our privacy policy. Nrich. Ofsted - Excellence in English Good-quality oral work engages pupils, including boys and pupils who might otherwise take little interest, and yields benefits in all areas of English. PDF Students' views of stretch and challenge in A-level examinations - AQA Read our, Registered charity no: 1125907 Company no: 06604325, Membership Management Software Powered by, 5 key strategies for stretch and challenge, Registration open for the NACE Conference 2023, First two NACE Challenge Ambassador Schools announced, FREE WEBINAR: Getting the most from your NACE membership, Member meetup: Developing challenge for all through the new curriculum for Wales. A key frustration for high attainers is the feeling that they are being taught things in school that they already know. _(Ofsted 2012) 25.5% A-A* (GCSE); 20% A-A* (A2); 80% success at Oxbridge 2014 SSAT G&T Lead School -North Somerset Aspire G&T Coordinators -Head of Learning -Assistant Head Accelerated Curriculum - ZStage not Age Here's how not to stretch and challenge: Extra work - It's fair to say that this is a common 'no no' for stretching and challenging learners, purely because it is hard to motivate learners to do more work week in week out. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, define differentiation and Create a Place for stretching (I used to have a fluffy rug in front of a mirror with my stick figure stretch routine where I . Practical differentiation: high expectations and the art of making . Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, which is needed to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Your submission has been received! Much classroom discussion centres upon the teacher initiating discussion by asking a question, choosing a student to answer and then acknowledging whether the answer is correct.This cycle is repeated several times with different students. As Director of Academic Practice in Distance Education, I lead on innovation, evaluation, research, and practice development in online and distance education at the University of London. 5 ways to Stretch and Challenge more able students in Drama Covid-19 will change our outlook on education and BotDetect CAPTCHA ASP.NET Form Validation. 4 March 2015. Purchasing Procedure. Stretch and Challenge - SlideShare Video: Ideas about stretch and challenge - teacherhead PPTX Developing a Programme of Challenge - Castle Manor Academy You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. Rather than accepting students first responses, giving students an opportunity to practise their response through oral rehearsal results in much more sophisticated thinking. During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English andmaths, but against all the KSBs in the standard. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Cut it into strips. We've encountered a problem, please try again. One such way I'l share here. This is particularly so where we are asked to argue in favour of a viewpoint that we do not ourselves hold. Terms of Use There cant be a teacher on this planet who doesnt know by now that feedback has a significant effect on students outcomes. Teaching assistants can ensure that they work alongside students to get into the habit of chunking tasks down into clear steps for success, asking metacognitive questions and verbalising their thinking, which will lead to the creation of excellent work. In the Third Edition of 'Teaching Today' Geoff Petty (2004) there is an appendix which summarises differentiation . Things may have changed since then, so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. Neil Mercer's work has shown us that oral reasoning skills affect cognitive skills. Don't bolt on challenge - build it in. teachers and school leaders working in secondary education across the UK. Ofsted reports have identified a range of good practice in parental engagement. Pupils learn at different rates and it is with this in mind, that lesson content is broad, enabling a child reaching a level that reflects success, interesting strategies to incorporate in all lessons. The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. . stretch and challenge ofsted - What's more, this also contributes to better retention. It can also be hard to create stretch through this approach, because it is difficult to pitch tasks at exactly the right level. There is no Elder wand, or potions off the shelf to address the issue in a one size fits all scenario. Book Now ($71.91) verified_user Unlimited access for members. Setting up choice can be a tricky one to get right and, if done badly, can be detrimental to stretch and challenge if students choose less cognitively demanding tasks. Another useful approach to questioning is a technique commonly used in early years settings, and known as sustained shared thinking (for more on this, see this report on the Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years Project). Understanding challenge activities - Oxford Education Blog We all know that we need to be stretching students whatever their starting points, we know that we have to challenge every child in a class. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. Try to focus on progress for learners across time and not just pushing every learner in every lesson. Challenge varies by subject. Ofsted's 2015 Common Inspection Framework explicitly highlights the need to ensure effective teaching, learning and assessment for the most academically able pupils. Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. wants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! A complex question can really provoke deep thinking. Some of their recommendations are below. Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. Professor Dylan Wiliam, in his book Embedding Formative Assessment, explains that students sharing, clarifying and understanding learning intentions is a key part of assessment for learning; those students who have a clear picture of their learning journey are more able to reflect on their progress over time and take responsibility for knowing how to move forward. Students respond earnestly and with great interest and enthusiasm. Stretch and Challenge PDF Guidance on preparing students for 'stretch and challenge' in the These recognise that having excellent links in place for communication is essential. In that undoubtedly privileged context, teachers developed habits around high challenge, high trust and high intellectual demand that were fully embedded in the culture. Linda Amrane-Cooper - Chelmsford, England, United Kingdom differentiation Find out what practical measures you can take to make sure everyone is thinking for themselves. Schools are still not doing enough to ensure the most able children fulfil their potential, an Ofsted survey has found. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Alongside her webinar for NACE members, author and teacher trainer Sue Cowley shares five ways to ensure all learners are stretched and challenged its differentiation, but not as you might expect! Harris Academy Tottenham - Ofsted The tasks that push pupils vary enormously by subject. Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can evaluate their learning and rate their understanding as they progress giving you the insight you need to set stretch and challenge tasks. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research. For each area of a subject, consider what you can add to create depth. NHS apprenticeships: an interview with Lucy Hunte, HEE, Level 2 apprenticeships are key to social mobility. stretch and challenge ofsted 14 Jun. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places youll go. (Dr. Seuss). The rationales for using ILPs are addressed in the second section. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Introduction This chapter addresses two related concepts: differentiation and 'stretch and challenge'. Take on a different perspective that they are not necessarily comfortable with. Maybe occasionally, this approach should be used, but my advice is to avoid where possible. Here are my 4 top tips for ditching the differentiation madness. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. At times, their level of knowledge or skill might outpace yours. 4. This cycle is repeated several times with different students. The act of having to rephrase or reconceptualise something in order to teach it requires the learner to build empathy, understand alternative perspectives and think laterally. The best group work is when the cognitive demand of the task actually necessitates more than one students input. Not yet a NACE member? A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding. Please fill in the details so we can send over the resources. Lesson work can be consolidated and extended. Combining these two techniques, the teachers expectations of the students is that a student has not finished until their response is 100 per cent accurate and they have developed their thinking using academic vocabulary and a range of examples. 10 stretch and challenge ideas you can easily use in your classroom They give apprentices the opportunity to take their learning further and get the highest grade they possibly can. 80% of the lesson should be about student action, not teacher action, Delegate leading activities to students e.g. Stretch and Challenge: A teacher's guide - Structural Learning It can also be useful for high-attaining learners to explain something they understand easily to a child who doesnt get it so quickly. This however has to be achieved without increasing work load or work sheets. One parent wrote, 'I love . Apply by 15 Mar 2023. Using an apprenticeship software like OneFile to. Blue Peter 'Here's one I Prepared Earlier': pre-digested resources. 5 key strategies for stretch and challenge - NACE The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression. Encourage your son or daughter to talk to the older generation at home about their perspective on events in the past and how views and opinions have altered. There is also an emphasis on ensuring that the curriculum nurtures . Knowledge Organisers: There's been a lot of discussion about these, especially from those in favour of their use. Lead Practitioner of MFL - St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a Something went wrong while submitting the form, Classroom Management and aggressive behaviour. Session 4: Staff work in subject or year group teams to develop and implement ideas from the morning. Youll need to find a way to measure the progression of learning, so you know when theyre ready for that extra push. Professor John Hattie, alongside Gregory Yates, in Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, explore the difference between teachers as activators as opposed to teachers as facilitators. 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports. If an apprentice is fluctuating between grades, it could encourage their employer to offer a little more support and help them achieve the higher grade. Download an overview of our classroom toolkit. As well as Marzano and Pickerings work, Doug Lemov in Teach Like A Champion has introduced two strategies that raise the language demands of students: Right is Right and Stretch It. Life Support Machine: creating need not . Introduction. stretch and challenge activities easily. Teaching to the Top: Attitudes and strategies for delivering real Normally, it meant an extension task for those who finished their work early; however, the extension work often ended up being more of the same rather than requiring stretching students to think harder. Stretch and Challenge | STEM Ensure that students engage with academic vocabulary on a regular basis through discussion, word games and vocabulary notebooks to consolidate knowledge. It is probably true that consistently, deliberately and purposefully pitching learning just beyond a child's present ability, that point between confusion and boredom, is perhaps the hardest part of teaching. Finally, celebrate and showcase students homework as this will encourage students to keep challenging themselves as their efforts wont have gone unnoticed.ConclusionWhatever approach you take, embedding a stretch and challenge model in your classroom takes time. If students know that they are expected to complete a set number of the homework challenges by the end of the topic, then this stops the arbitrary setting of homework at inconvenient times. Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. You are signalling to students that youve made a decision that only a few can reach the top. If you introduce grading at the right time, it could be a powerful motivator to stretch and challenge learners. PDF How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and Job posted 3 Mar 2023. Play question basketball, not tennis. Challenge activities don't have to always involve writing. Each week students participate in discussion and activities that are intended to help . Then through means of support, the lower ability learners are given the opportunity to find their 'flow' and make progress towards the learning intentions. stretch and challenge across a wide range of learning contexts. Therefore, it is vital that when offering students choices they are held accountable for the work they produce. When apprentices are progressing nicely through their, , let them know about the different grades they could achieve at. This may seem like a pretty obvious statement to make but often, without recognising it, we set a limit on what we think students can do.Stretch and challenge is knowing your students really, really well, through a combination of scrutinising a range of hard and soft data to enable us to make the best decisions when planning for students learning.Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. Rockets and Lightbulbs - Stretch and Challenge - Outline. 'Excellent . independent learning To do this, youll need to use the apprentices starting point and create a. curriculum that builds on their prior knowledge. Part of the Government response to this has been to introduce a policy of 'stretch and challenge', which features different question styles in new A-level examination . Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. In 2015, Ofsted commented on stretch and challenge in the context of 'the most able'. Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. Identify clear learning objectives and specify how students will be taught and assessed. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. However, getting homework right makes such a difference to the challenge culture. These resources may include worked examples, literacy scaffolds or graphic organisers. By visiting our site, you agree to our privacy policy regarding cookies, tracking statistics, etc. Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. Effectively incorporating choice means setting the bar high and expecting all students to produce excellent work but acknowledging the route to producing this work may be different depending on the students needs.Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can . . Varying levels of literacy is one of the most significant factors in how well a student will do at school. Third Space Learning. This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the PE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. From understanding pronouns, appropriate language and providing practical tips to drive change to using visual cues and creating safe spaces for students, the . The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. Find ways to assess and ascertain the prior knowledge of your class before you start a new topic, and incorporate this information into your teaching.

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stretch and challenge ofsted