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local government pay rise 2021

Full time (20hr+/week) 14.57 per month, Part time: (20hr-/week) 8.40 per month, If you work term-time hours only, you might be eligible to pay the part-time membership rate, so ask your region. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for GMB, alongside other unions, has formally written to the employers to lodge an official pay dispute for the 2021/22 pay round. Story updated 27 May 2021. By Jessica Hill. Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50% from 1 April 2021. Not a GMB member? UNISON is calling on its members to vote for strike action, arguing the 1.75% offer by local government employers is below-inflation.. UNISON, GMB and Unite have called for a 10% pay rise for council staff to ensure the lowest paid employees earned just above the new real . A consultative industrial action ballot will start in November 2021. We have been notified that the pay award from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 of a 1.75% increase has been agreed by the GMB and UNISON. 3.2% Federal Pay Raise Bill Appears in Senate - Government Executive Update your details every GMB member will get their vote make sure your details are up to date. Young people and apprentices on the National Minimum Wage will also see a boost to their wages. GMB Mary Turner House Notes to editors Scottish authorities are to receive an extra 100m funding in a last-minute addition to Holyrood's Budget. Unite council staff 'support industrial action', after voting Sadly, although GMB were willing to ensure that you received the money as soon as possible, this view has not been supported by the other unions. Recent developments On 27 October 2021, the Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021 announced that public sector workers would receive "fair and affordable" pay rises across the 2022/23 to 2024/25 Spending Review period. Compensation costs for state and local government workers increased 4.8 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2022, compared with an increase of 2.6 percent in December 2021. The letter sent to you in July set out the crisis within Local Government and School funding and this needs to be properly addressed, not further exacerbated by cuts. Click here to email your councillors. You will be aware that the employers made a pay offer of 1.5% for 2021. The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. This will help us build a high skilled, high productivity, high wage economy. Local government services pay agreement 2021-2022 The employers rejected the following elements of the pay claim: Our demand in the pay claim was fair: we wanted a pay award that keeps pace with inflation; a Covid recognition payment, a review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates. The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. The employers also propose that the NJC begins immediate exploratory discussions on three other elements of your claim, as follows: There was no support from councils for the offer to include three other elements of your claim, therefore the employers reject the following. Unite to stage targeted industrial action as council workers express The more people who join GMB, the stronger we are! Sign in or Register a new account to join the discussion. Unite's local government staff have voted overwhelmingly in a consultative ballot to reject the 'insulting' pay offer of 1.75 per cent and are supportive of taking industrial action for pay justice.. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "Our members have made a huge contribution to keep public services running during the continuing Covid crisis. 76% of members balloted in consultation over the local government employers' pay offer voted to accept it. The 2021-22 Public Sector Pay Policy is a single-year policy. In 2021, federal employees received a 1.0% across-the-board increase and no adjustment to locality pay. Make sure you get your ballot paper and vote if you have not received your ballot paper, please contact your local GMB Region or Branch Office, Tuesday 10th August 2021 Members of the National Employers Side Date: 11/01/2021. Budget 2021: Public sector workers set for pay rise, says Sunak SW1P 4DF, Rachel Harrison Local Government workers know they need a proper pay rise and this isnt it. At the Autumn Statement, the Government announced that approximately 6.5 billion will be made available for councils to deliver services in 2023/24 and 2024/25, in addition to what was agreed at Spending Review 2021. GMB will meet with sister unions tomorrow and have arranged a GMB senior reps of the GMB Local Government and Schools Committees to discuss the final pay offer on Tuesday 10th August 2021. Improved pay offer announced | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Given the experience of the past twenty-one months, all councils should already have flexible working policies that set out protocols for employees whose roles readily lend themselves to working at home and we expect those arrangements to now be kicking in again. Thanks to reps and members who voted, joined us for online meetings, and got the vote out in their workplace! Employment Cost Index Summary - 2022 Q04 Results - Bureau of Labor Local government workers should be paid for the work we do and trained for the work we do we need a review of job descriptions, career development, and pay for schools support staff; too many are working over and above their pay grades without the acknowledgment or reward. The real problem is the impact of the rise in the long term. I understand that the National Joint Council has reached agreement on the Local Government Services pay offer for 2022-23. The LGA is strongly encouraging all councils to ensure they are represented at regional meetings taking place throughout this month, organised by the National Employers which negotiates local government pay on behalf of councils, to understand the difficult choices it is facing. 2022-23 NJC (Local Government, Councils, & Schools) pay offer: FAQs - GMB GMB Union is writing to express concern that to date, you have not yet responded to the letter from the Chair of National employers for Local Government Services dated 25th July to your predecessor, Rt Hon Greg Clark MP and to highlight to you how this is impacting our members. Workers should get a wage increase of at least 10%. Vote and vote YES for Strike Action/Action Short of a Strike. Unison had recommended its members oppose local government employers' 'full and final' offer for the pay period from April 2021 to March 2022, which offered most staff a 1.75% increase and those on the lowest pay a 2.75% rise. Local government pay scale for support staff Special educational needs Outer London Pay Spines From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. GMB CoronavirusHub resources can be found at here. Unions call for 10% pay rise for council staff - LocalGov Otherwise, local government and education employees will quit for sectors paying better rates.". Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss how you can vote in this consultative ballot and how you can get active in your pay campaign. The final pay claim, as agreed by all three unions, and which has now been submitted is: A headlineclaimof an increase of 2,000 on each pay point, or of the current RPI rate, whichever is the greater, Review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers, Reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London), One additional day of annual leave across the board, Introduction of a home working allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A separate urgent review of all mileage rates currently applying. For many, that meant doing their normal jobs in more risky situations for example social workers visiting homes and refuse collectors working in small cabs. This represents an increase of over 1,600 to the annual earnings of a full-time worker on the NLW and is expected to benefit over 2 million low paid workers. GMB members across Local Government, Councils and Schools have been having their say on pay and the results are in! You will be aware that the employers made a pay offer of 1.5% for 2021. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! Public service pensions increase . Because of the employers refusal to increase the offer, coupled with the increase in National Insurance contributions which is due on 1st April 2022, we have pushed for the offer to be agreed in order to ensure that members get the back pay in March as opposed to losing some in extra tax by paying this in April. If you and your colleagues want a GMB campaign in your workplace to improve your terms and conditions, pleasecontactyour local GMB Representative. Within industry supersectors, compensation cost increases ranged from 4.3 percent for construction to 6.4 percent for leisure and hospitality. Large minimum wage increase to boost low-paid workers' incomes . "That's why the chancellor must free up the funds in the spring statement for an above-inflation rise for all staff. 'Now is the time - have your say on pay' - UNISON National 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and it is as follows: The employers have already agreed to complete the work of the joint term-time only review group and have begun discussions on homeworking policies but are not prepared to discuss a homeworking allowance. The Government is ready to talk to any council with concerns about its financial position where it cannot take steps to manage pressures locally. Those discussions have now started for pay in 2021/22. Three local government unions have called for a wage increase of at least 10% for all council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Local Government Pay 2021 1 Horse Guards Road, The majority of employees - those on salaries starting at 18,198 per annum - would receive an uplift of 1.75 per. The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). Social worker pay 'becoming uncompetitive' at Cafcass, warns chief I would like to offer my apologies for the delayed response. Further to recent updates, we wanted to keep you informed as to developments in the 2021 pay offer. It's right that workers are fairly rewarded for their input into the economy. Public sector pay rise pledge expected to 'set tone' of future pay negotiations | Local Government Chronicle (LGC) EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. However, in a letter recently received on 18th May, 2020 the LGA Board made up of councillors have informed us they will not be approaching the government for any more resources to award to employees in recognition of their response to the COVID-19 emergency. - Your authority on UK local government - Union starts An increase in the Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) rate to 9.78 per hour. I wish to put on record again my gratitude to public sector workers in Scotland for their response to the pandemic and . The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will set out plans for funding allocations in 2023-24 through the upcoming Local Government Finance Settlement. Although the sums involved in this are largely negligible (for example an employee on 20k per year would lose only 4.38 of the back pay), we strongly believe that you have waited long enough and should get every penny owed. The Low Pay Commission's recommendations set. The success of busting the pay freeze was down to members coming together to campaign for pay justice - we need you to do this again. It agrees an annual uplift to the national pay spine, on which each individual council decides where to place its employees. What is the pay offer? This will increase to 200m for the following two years, including 20m in each year to enable authorities to respond to our joint priority of decarbonisation. Join today Public sector pay and employment | Institute for Government Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. We would like to apologise for the delay in sending this out considering that the ballot closed on 13th December. Each council takes into account a number of factors such as job size and local labour market conditions when deciding an employees salary. Our members in schools are perhaps the best example: while it was often said that schools were closed during the lockdowns it was school support staff who went into schools to provide education for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, while infection rates were extremely high and before there was any protection from a vaccine. Local Government Chronicle (LGC) News, comment and analysis on local government, plus jobs in the sector. National Secretary In GMB, all members have their say on pay. Written Statement: Report and recommendations from the Independent Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! The three main trade unions - Unison, Unite and GMB . This circular sets out pay restoration due on 1 July 2021 as provided for in the Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017 ('the Act') From 1 April 2023, the National Living Wage (NLW) will increase by 9.7 per cent to 10.42 an hour for workers aged 23 and over. 22/02/2023. Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. However, it is understood most councils have been unable to get the pay award processed before next month's payday, when it will be subject to the new headline 1.25% national insurance rise. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. The total increase to the national paybill resulting from this offer is 279m (covering the period to 31 March 2022). Exclusive: Strike action 'doubtful' as union's ballot results come in Some Democrats and federal employee unions have urged lawmakers to adopt a more generous . Employers are encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible. Become a workplace organiser - stand up to injustice in your workplace! Unison members also voted to accept the offer. A Pay Raise Update, and More - Government Executive The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. Council employees set to lose part of pay rise | Local Government GMB pay ballot covering all workers across local government, school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland is now open. The Government is continuing to support businesses with their energy costs through its generous package of support. GMB really appreciates your incredible efforts and we wish you and your families a safe festive period. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. Your letter has been passed to HM Treasury. Surveys by XpertHR, a research group, point to a median pay award of 3 per cent for 2022, with the bottom quartile of employers offering up to 2.5 per cent. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. The 2023-24 rate peg also includes an adjustment for the change in the superannuation guarantee in 2021-22. .

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local government pay rise 2021