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cancer sun capricorn moon woman

Her emotions are hers alone, yet she feels them deeply. You could be quite approachable one moment, and withdrawn the next. Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon as a Friend. Pisces is an unstable, cold, wet sign, whose analogies are associated with water, seas and oceans, with places of worship such as churches and temples, as well as with hospices and hospitals: all these areas can be benefited in this period. Cancer Sun with Capricorn Moon: The Inferiority Complex Saturn delays, hinders and centers us with a reality check that is often characterized by its harshness. Sun in Capricorn will take care of the external security, while Cancer looks after the emotional content and internal security. While not at all egoistical, he may leave the impression that he is like this because he prefers to keep things to himself. Its time to listen to your emotions about which way to go. Your moods might change from a moment to the next, or day to day. You will do well in business or corporate positions requiring strength and structure. He gets hurt quite easily but he will never show his vulnerable side to the world. Aries: March 21 . His Sun in Cancer makes him nice and compassionate, less cold than the Moon in Capricorn can influence him to be. He may also be cool and aloof with a considerable degree of self-control. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. They have a strong sense of family, tradition and home. Nadia Gilchrist offers over 19 years of experience in astrology. What your sun, moon and rising signs say about you - He may seem cynical at the start but has a heart of gold. He loves to cook, eat and entertain at home. She prefers stability and organization to chaos and emotional displays. They rule with their heart, not their head. This Sun Moon combination describes a man who is very disciplined and has a deep sense of duty. Although she is used for the Moon and he is used for the Sun sign, these pronouns are only used for convenience. A good business person, shes also spiritual and religious. The compassionate, intuitive and memory natives of Cancer are emotional and very sensitive, that is why they understand the moods of others. What He Wants In A Woman, Based On His Moon Sign Provide a shoulder to cry on now and then and he will open up to you about his feelings. During the transit of the Sun, Mercury and Venus through Cancer, this planet will receive notable activating influences. Tied to their roots, they are nostalgic and very thrifty. Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. These are the type of people who wont be able to let go of their children when theyll grow. This relationship can take on parental overtones, as Sun in Capricorn makes the rules and Moon in Cancer supplies the nurturing. The same for those who have tender points in the first degrees of Taurus or Capricorn, but to a lesser extent. They need someone who respects their parents and relatives, a person who agrees with them on domestic issues and how to raise children. Theres nothing more important than family for double Cancers. Those who have tender points in the first degrees of the Water signs Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer will be favored by the Jupiter transit which, in general, brings luck, success, good fortune and abundance. Moon Capricorn-Moon Libra. Sun in Sign. As it lives within you to be kind and gentle as well as ruthless and crabby while fond of praise yet often irascible. Nadia Gilchrist offers over 19 years of experience in astrology. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. These two meet with a long-term plan. The planet of love meets the house of joy, creativity, play, and children. Its phases -which have served since ancient times to compute time- synchronize with the female cycle and symbolize everything that has a character of mobility, fluidity, transience, change. 4 They accept the restrictions and, although they are little conflictive, the moment comes when a simple drop overflows the glass. Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon Personality - Astroligion The writer Ernest Hemingway and the astronomer Galileo were both individuals with a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, and their work demonstrates the uniqueness of the Cancer-Capricorn complex. She also takes lots of pictures. Aquarius: January 21 - February 18. This theme of the absent father is recurrent in saturnine natal charts, as Saturn is traditionally considered the father figure in astrology. They are also likely to hold back their true feelings until someone pushes them too far and then it all comes pouring out in a negative way. While this may suit some couples, its worth remembering that the extreme expression of each signs energy is where their Shadows live. If you start a business while Saturn is retrograde, it is very likely that this business will change or end sooner rather than later. Cancers perception and intuition combined with Capricorns pragmatism, organization, and ambition can give you excellent business sense. She is an empathetic and genuinely caring person, and is very adept at finding ways to please others. You can drive a hard bargain with a smile on your face, and make the other fellow like and respect you even when hes giving you the shirt off his back. And she most likely realized that only careful observation can help her move when times are the most difficult. As an individual with a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, you have a tendency to seek seclusion. They might consider your nurturing nature, your diagnostic and research ability, your thoughtful approach to solving problems, and the seamless way that you are able to integrate information from different sources. With most people around, he's flexible and friendly. Of the ages of man, Saturn rules old age. He prefers order in everything around him. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. If youve locked eyes with a Capricorn man, theres a good chance youve met your match. Thus, he became the god of depression and melancholy, an old character who endlessly admonishes us with the reminder of death. Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon- Woman The existence of a lady that has this combination of the Moon and Sun in Capricorn and Cancer is mainly determined by family images and family life. Her emotions and moods are something for which shes being famous. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts. While a certain amount of solitude may be beneficial, too much can lead to alienation from the world and worse feelings of inferiority. They may have some abandonment issues, needing reassurance from their partner from time to time. And they may be ok to do so, in their case. Ambitious and desiring recognition, you set highalmost unreachablegoals for yourself. With a moon in gentle Cancer, these dudes are really in touch with not only their own feelings but your feelings too. As a double Cancer, she will want to be protected all of her life. You can be deeply sentimental one moment and fiercely independent the next. Jupiter is a lover of life, enthusiastic, cheerful, progressive and generous. Cancers born on this Moon sign are always generous, a little bit on the introverted side, and tend to be caring toward their friends and family members. Compassionate, intuitive and memory natives of Cancer are emotional and very sensitive, that is why they understand the moods of others. They are the best with down-to-earth signs who can make them feel better when they are too worried. People with a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon are very sensitive and caring. These men have a strong sense of responsibility, and an intense focus on their goals and ambitions. These people rarely settle for second best. The match of a Capricorn male and Leo female is driven by their differences. Moon in Cancer needs to nurture and be nurtured. His Sun in Cancer makes him nice and compassionate, less cold than the Moon in Capricorn can influence him to be. Born with deep insight & emotional warmth, you are a highly creative & imaginative soul. They are strong on the outside but sensitive in nature. Gentle disciplinarian; capable and caring; tenacious; shrewd; responsible; considerate; patient; introvert; reflective; authoritative; maternal; a sense of humor; dutiful. She also needs to respect you. Capricorn Moon patiently survives every emotional tempest and temper tantrum that Cancer Moon inflicts. These opposite signs will balance each other out, as they approach family and security from complementary angles. And winning his trust is a bumpy process too. The Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon man is a creature of routine, no matter how he presents himself to the world. You wont see them marrying early even if they want a family and to settle. Friendly, tender and protective, compassionate. Jupiters dissonant influence is harmful because of his excessive side. The identification of the Sun with fire led the Moon to become mistress of the other great element of creation: water. It has a clear connection with water due to its influence on the tides. For them it will be an excellent time of growth, since Jupiter acts providing opportunities. Moreover, you just can't know what this woman is thinking, and how she will react, because she can be very unpredictable at times. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. As an individual with a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, you learn readily and take everything with utmost seriousness. Not to mention he has a shell under which he retreats each time life become tough and things dont actually go the way he has planned them. The earth and water signs are a match made in heaven. Their perfectionism and attention to detail make them best suited for careers such as accounting, finance, law, business or engineering. Having a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, it is likely that your early childhood environment was somehow strife-torn or restrictive, but inner resolve and determination helped you overcome those early obstacles and in turn made you far more shrewd and introspective than your fellow Cancers. She doesnt like conflict no matter how much that could inform her about a persons true intentions or motives. With your Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, you have a mixture of personalities. Emotional security is essential for them. These women possess a very deep sense of loyalty as well as strong maternal instincts. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon people are purposeful but also intuitive and emotional. These individuals know how to put a good face on even when they dont feel well inside. The Moon in Cancer person is highly emotional. Cancer is one of the zodiacs most fascinating signs because of its characteristics of duality. He takes his time to decide but once he has made up his mind he sticks with it. Her Shadow side emerges when she feels rejected; she becomes the Devouring Mother/Child, demanding security and reassurance. Possessing a keen sense of what is practical and what endears, she can hone her consideration for others into a career that caters to peoples needs and moods. A Cancer woman who is a great cook will feel inspired to create culinary masterpieces, while somebody who is born with this aspect may also just love to eat. They value their roots deep into the past, and tend to live in the past or future in relation to family or home. Tactful and diplomatic, Cancer Sun Cancer Moon individuals know what their loved ones want and are struggling to deliver. The Taurus sun sign is all about being practical and grounded, while the Cancer moon sign is about being emotional and intuitive. It can be an indicator of transfers, removals or even economic benefits when its influence is received in a harmonious way, as happens with the second deans of Taurus, Virgo and to a lesser extent with Scorpio, Pisces. You know how to cooperate, have a generous regard for the rights of others just as you expect them to have a regard for your rights and this quality makes human relationships, in private or public life, easy and satisfactory. Please leave a comment below and let me know. While domestic and very protective, the double Cancer man wont marry young. This is the sign that represents the Zodiacs go-getters and those who have a constant drive to succeed. As with all polar combinations, you have many inner conflicts to resolve as well as many strengths to develop.

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cancer sun capricorn moon woman