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it's been 9 months since you passed away

We did not have any children its just me & my 4 dogs & other pets that we both adored. We just live in two different places right now. I have no children, and I cant imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. For many, the real work of grief begins in the second or third year after a loss. But taking steps to understand your emotions and find support can . I wasnt old also I no I wasnt no spring chicken. I have not traveled this road as long as you have but I can not imagine a time where I will not miss my love nor a time when tears and despair will not arise but I can see where I will be better though it may be a long time from now. I am so sad that we are all connected by loss. This year he would have retired. He was 47. The first year I cried constantly, I would talk about him every moment I could and would talk to him when I drove anywhere, pretending he was sat in the passenger side of my car listening to me. I too, was 54 and now in my second year of grief. My heart goes out to all of those who have left comments in this thread. Last night, I had the most powerful dream! Idk what to do anymore. Here are 100 things that happened after my mom died. We all know that with life there is death. I share everyones pain expressed here. We have to carry on, remember them (I still find it difficult to use memories as a crutch, as theyre a reminder that hes not here!) Hello Diana, I still wear my wedding ring Im never going to take it off she is my love and only no datting for me there no one out there who will replace her. We were told of the poor prognosis but we soldiered on and thought she would somehow wake up and get better. They had a great loss as well My son was larger than life and is missed by everyone who ever crossed paths with him. Hope you are looking after yourselves in these uncertain times. Sometimes I think Im to young to be dealing with all this pain but the love I had for him only means my pain is real. And worked she was sick of hospitals. Some brothers felt by doing that it meant they were getting pushed around by keisha,even when I said it's not about keisha anymore it's about your safety now. I cannot fathom spending the rest of my days balanced on this double edged sword! All this time I felt hopeless, guilty, sad, mad, upset, confused, tired, but more than anything miserable. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at OHare. That actually happened a few times 2 of which seemed very real. Your Grief is Terrifying to Those Around You, How to Get a Better Nights Sleep when Grieving, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rnyqe1XiP0, The second year of grief | How my heart speaks, https://thepetlosscenter.com/our-locations/hampton. I was numb the first year, but now Its really hard. Of a UTI infection. We were lovers and partners for 32 years. January 31st 2020 will be the 1st year of my honeys death. Anyone else lost 2 sisters or siblings at young ages who can at least relate on why at almost 2 years post second loss I am experiencing deep depression and complete apathy sure I fake it and smile when one is cued because I dont know how to anymore. I am hosting the in-laws. i pray ever for them i have not died yet but will. My mind keeps going over all of the treatments and hospital stays and all the hopes we had of him getting better of no avail. Its still there. I didnt aadd anything vital to this topic but I came across it and just thought to vent a little. But Im thankful I have had someone in my life that has meant so much that Im devasted not to be with him right now. Perfect grades and many friends. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. All I can say is my best to you and sadly we are not alone in our thoughts. Everything seems meaningless. Your email address will not be published. I lost my mother, almost two years ago. Im grateful to have found a place to share our stories and grieve together. tten easier. Your children would feel the pain you feel if something happened to you! The first year was a whirlwind of emotions and things that needed to get done. For a special kind of grief support clickhere: GRIEF COACHING. I got through the first year because of being the only one that could handle all of the problems and stuff that takes place after the bread winner passes suddenly. My Husband of 53 Years had a stroke in July of 2016. I hope they never have to know what its like to have a melt down over changing a light bulb or finding ants in the kitchen. I lost my father some years ago and that took a while to resolve, so I am praying that the process of grief will become eased soon. I work, i come home and I go to bed and get up and do it all over. I too have completely lost my fear of the dark or being on my own. Urban. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. Someone asked if I was a widow. I walk around with a smile and hide my pain from family and coworkers. Home with you or where ever u. Memories or to go into a coffee shop. I understand perfectly. He, too had lung cancer and kidney failure and his death was sudden. Diagnosed on 3 Feb and gone 14 Feb. She too was everything to me. He was 45, and had suffered no symptoms until is was far too late. Though it's been years now since you were taken away, the memories are still strong, and I wish you were here today. I have no passion for anything and I feel an immense guilt that wont go away. Yes Tania. Short-term memory helps babies track objects. (She just wasnt there no more. The truth that I was hurt and have been hurt for a while. Many blessings for all of you. 40 years with my husband and losing him has been so very hard.And yet Ive discovered so much about myself. All they bring is grief. The first few months of the second have been harder for me than any of the FIRSTS of the first year, Miss him everyday, My mom passed last May of 2017 and it will barely be a year this May and I dont know why but I am having a hard time, harder then when she first passed. I cant afford to say in house but can afford 1k a month either. Comparing him to my late husband. He was another father/brother figure for me and we were inseparable. I am tired all the time, cant get rid of this upper respiratory infection, and have gained back most of the Being alone is the worst. I wish someone would share some hope.. something to inspire me to keep going. You do. I feel exactly the way you do. Thank you for your thoughts. But was suppose to be ok. I dont have a single friend in the same boat so it can get lonely even in a crowd. presidential tweets can be entertaining or they can spin me downward as i dont have my hubby to discuss this craziness with. Eric, Im now at 27 months and he is still incredibly fresh in my thoughts everyday. Oh Casey, I feel just like you. If you're a writer, poet, or musician, compose something. I have good friends and a lovely daughter, but she is in a bad place with it all too. It will be three years in three months that I lost my husband. So. Lost. I am now alone . Husband and I were inseparable we did things together from doing laundry, taking walks etc. I miss you. I grieve with you Lynn. I guess I just have to accept this as part of grieving process and try to keep moving forward. A whole lifetime of wonderment , joy and happiness wiped out, all our tomorrows gone, all our yesterdays so painful to remember without him, it seems like so cannot cry any more, like a numbness has descended into my soul, no laughter no joy. All My family lives out of town. Love to everyone out there. I lost my I find that even my closest friends dont want to hear how Im really feeling anymore. and of course my rat terrier Polly. The first year was missing my wife and being sad for my daughters. He was forty four the first heart attack. Im trying to keep positive for my other son but inside In broken. I know exactly what you mean. Every day is a struggle doing better with Councellor,but I miss him sooooo much I believe this is true. People always tell me to move on and Ive tried but it hasnt been the same. Nothing has sidewiped me as my beloved partner partner. The medical services made that a nightmare but at least I had his support then. 4. I watched him wither away. I dont feel like I will get better, I feel like I will get worse. Her not being here I lost my son in June 2017. I feel your pain .. My husband died 2 years ago (his anniversary, April 20, 2019). In February of last year, my Father passed away from pancreatic cancer. Scars are a testament to life. I also am only 2 months in after the loss of my husband ..21 years of marriage and 5 children the latter of which keep me going ..he lives in them. Time will pass and your hurt and suffering will diminish, and you will learn to live with it and honor the memory of your spouse, while moving forward. Most people think i am handling everything well and going on with my life but behind what people see is a much differant person than what is on the outside.. there are a few people closest to me that i know see behind the curtains of my soul. So I decided to move back home to St. Louis. We know we loved each other so much but this terrible addiction to everything away including her now. My life really feels over. Pam and Holly- Yes exactly we simply and sadly exist. This loss has left me feeling like i have lost all ability to find any happiness. I cry daily and wish I was the one who passed, Robin I am with you almost two years for me after 30 years of a wonderful marriage. RKD. Honor wherever you are right in this moment and know that even if it feels uncomfortable, unsettling and uneasy, that its probably exactly where you need to be. I cant see how to live like this; no future. i struggle to find the meaning in life and wonder what the point is in trying to care about anything I feel as if nothing i do is ever going to matter to anyone and that nothing will ever be the ok again. Nothing left for me. We lived with this prognosis over our heads for 8yearswhilst I watched it take my lovely able bodied husband to a man who could do nothing for himself. I understand the empty feeling, the terrible ache. I was her caregiver for her last six months. I agree with you and everything you are saying. You may feel guilty for being the one who is still alive. My husband who was so much part of me died in late March this year. Now in year two Im dealing with unresolved grief for my daughter and the emotions I pushed so far down are now bubbling to the surface. Unfortunately, Im taking anti-anxiety meds on occasion to quell the freak-outs (which I dont like doing and had NEVER done before), but I seem to need them right now. My husband was murdered and four months later my beloved dog died. There is always an emptyness in my heart. Im 72 years old I feel like I have to sneak around and hide out just to be with him it causes so much trouble so much stress we cant hardly enjoy being with each other because of my three grown kids. But I have many things I need to do first before then. First, i must say i am so sorry for all the losses of those posted here. I still didnt think much of it, my thought was, the helicopter didnt come, so, he should be fine, he probably slipped on the ice real hard, no big deal as long as he was okay, we can handle this. I know what you are going through. Im truly sorry for every one of your losses. It's been 3 months since my husband passed. So nothing. Id have to agree; like a winter season goes, your heart is dormant. I broke down n a Lowes store, felt ridiculous, & left. Im now 64 and hed be 61 but we were like he would be 61 but it was like kids meeting for the first time. I will never be fine that was my baby. I was thirteen, now I'm fourteen. Twenty people. I do things everyday by myself now and its very painful, part of me is gone and will never get it back. Hi I lost my husband 15 months ago and Im so lost and empty inside I keep thinking maybe hes not really dead and is just taking time out on his way home from work he had a cardiac arrest we have 5 kids 3 older and two under 12 we were together for 25 years he was also my best friend we went through so much together I have a mental illness and from the good and bad times he was the I had a court case 11 months after he died he never got to see the outcome and after been together for so long 3 years ago with him by my side I decided to do it I wish he could have been there free dealing with things and been my my side I feel so guilty that at the time he needed me most I wasnt there for him also he was never sick I miss him so so much my heart and my body physically hurt . I feel like i literally have a hole in my chest and it makes me unable to breathe. I have had a fight with depression most of my life. I stayed in pjs all weekend and left my phone off. together. I dont have any children or grandchildren either, just my 4 dogs. I am 50 years old, he passed at the age of 53. I have many photos of us of times gone by, and it,s good to see him in happier times, but now I long so much to hear his voice, It hurts to want to hear him again. I really think it helps. A bomb went off in our home and hearts. I feel guilty that I am still mourning the loss after two years of my brother`s passing. This will never get better or easier I cant go outside. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and challenges to my health and mental wellness. Okay, I am a big baby when it comes to being in pain. He lived with leukaemia for 7 years and it was being managed and seemed to be doing well. Now feeling that most of life does not fit me any longer: not my clothes, my town, my friends, my houseeverything seems empty on the bad days. They are 53 years old 50 years old and 47. You can keep and display it, give it to family members or friends, or donate it in memory of your beloved. I cry everyday. "The bad news is time flies. I miss him so much . I want to hear the sound of his voice, feel his arms around me, kiss me and tell me he loves me. Still, I never felt more alone. One user wrote the following heartfelt plea online: My friend just died. Grieving the loss of a parent is personal. God has healed me quite a bitI have never felt closer to my King, but there are times when I just miss her so much that the fog comes over me again. Navigating that first year, through anniversaries, birthdays and holidays can feel endless. Please nothing matters anymore. I cant explain why but I find my self at work looking out the window, seeing the rain and my heart hurts as if it just happened. I still cry daily but Im told thats not how it is for everyone. He was truly my best friend. Now. May God bless you and comfort you on your journey. Sleep offers solace, music can be painful, but books are my refuge. But i have hope it will get better. It was after the first week that I began to fear she wouldnt make it. Health officials have previously recommended that most people receive a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine more than eight months after completing their original vaccine regimen. , too, lost my husband 2-1/2 years ago. Ever since my love passed away Ive had to deal with a lot of pain. In these first weeks it is so easy to put your body under extreme stress. Im at the stage now where Ive accepted this, and Im finding all sorts of ways to help myself exercise, meditation, good food, hobbies, time with friends, whatever helps. And now Im beginning year 2 without him but it doesnt feel any less of a loss. Please stay strong. I love who she helped me become and that is a sweet reminder of her. Ironically, she was a renown scientist and she did cancer research. If you dont mind I will include you in my prayers.

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it's been 9 months since you passed away